There are a number of Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) providers who offer free courses. These courses can be a great way to broaden your education and explore new topics. ..

You can learn new subjects in your pajamas from anywhere in the world, at any age, and complete an entire college level course online. ..

Acumen Academy

The social change curriculum at 30 offers students the opportunity to learn about various social issues and how to address them. The curriculum is free, but students must pay for certification. ..

The Acumen Academy platform offers free and paid courses for learners who want to make a social impact. Social entrepreneurs, social workers, and conservationists are a perfect fit for the courses on the platform. That’s not to say others shouldn’t. There are general courses on grit, leadership, and creativity too.

You can enroll in three types of courses: Team courses, Master classes, and Accelerators. Team courses are free, but you must take it with your team. Master classes are paid and self-paced while smaller groups take part in Accelerators. The three types of courses you can enroll in are as follows: Team courses, which are free but require participation with a team; Master classes, which are paid and self-paced; and Accelerators, which are smaller groups that take part in self-paced learning experiences designed to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses. ..

Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative

The University of Phoenix offers a variety of courses that can be taken for free or for a fee. There is no certification offered for these courses.

The Open Learning Initiative (OLI) is a course catalog at Carnegie Mellon University that offers a variety of college level courses in arts, technology, and design. The initiative was founded in 2006 by then-President George W. Bush and has since grown to include over 100 courses.

Free courses are self-paced, while the paid Academic course is led by an instructor and brings other tools like an LMS and extra course materials. ..


The 100+ Curriculum offers a general education program that is free and available to anyone. The certification program offers a variety of courses that can be completed in order to receive a degree in any field.

Saylor is a not-for-profit educational initiative that offers free and open online courses to learners worldwide. All courses are college level, self-paced, and free.

Saylor Academy is a website that won’t win many awards, but it’s functional and all for the price of free. Start with the short Learning at Saylor Academy course to get more familiar.

Poynter News University

The Journalism and Media Training program at the University of Utah offers students a wide range of courses and training that can help them become successful journalists. The program is free and paid, and it offers certification for those who complete it.

Poynter is a nonprofit organization that promotes honest information and the News University is part of that. It offers interactive journalism courses and webinars online for students and journalists anywhere in the world. ..

If you’re looking for a smaller meal, sign up for their weekly training newsletter.

The 50+ Curriculum: Education Cost: Free and PaidCertification: From individual instructors or sponsoring institutions offers a variety of education options for those looking to improve their skillset. Whether you’re looking to learn new things or keep up with the latest trends, this curriculum is perfect for you!

Canvas is a platform that provides professional development courses for educators. This platform has a smaller number of course providers, but there are many niche professional development courses available.

At-risk students can benefit from a course that helps to find them and help them. ..

The category includes blended learning, education reform, and languages like Chinese, Spanish, and Portuguese.

World Science U Courses

The Science Academy offers a variety of courses that can help students develop their scientific knowledge. The Academy also offers a certification program that allows students to earn a degree in science.

This site is the educational face of the World Science Festival. The unique feature is that Nobel laureates and esteemed science educators will be your guides on the other side of the screen.

The lineup of scientists at the American Physical Society’s (APS) meeting on Wednesday was a who’s who of experimental physicists, cosmologists, geneticists, neuroscientists, astronomers, and more.

The short, modular courses are designed to provide a hands-on learning experience with demonstrations, exercises, and discussions. ..


The University of Phoenix offers a wide variety of courses that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. You can also get certified in many different areas, which will give you the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in life.

The Spanish language is widely spoken in twenty countries. That’s why it makes sense to not ignore this regional online course that offers 100+ university partners from all Spanish speaking countries.


The Information Technology (IT) course at the university offers a variety of courses and resources that can help students become successful in the field. The course is free and provides certification for those who complete it.

OpenHPI is the MOOC platform of the German Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam. The courses cover subjects in information technology like cybersecurity, design thinking, machine learning, digital transformation, programming etc. ..

The German language course is completely free and you can take it in English.

You can join the course on the enrollment dates and learn the topics at your own pace. Take the final exam which has multiple-choice tests, practical programming exercises, and peer assessments. Complete at least 50 percent of the course and you’ll get a Confirmation of Participation certificate. ..

Peer to Peer University

The 100+ Curriculum: General is a free course that provides you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in any field. You will also be able to certify yourself as a professional without taking this course.

Peer2Peer University is a social learning platform that allows anyone to create and teach an online course. Unlike other open courses, this platform does not require any barriers to entry. This makes it perfect for spreading open education without any restrictions.

There are a few “schools” on the platform that focus on one area of expertise. Try the School of Webcraft (with Mozilla), School of Open (with Creative Commons), Mechanical MOOC (with MIT). ..

P2PU is a new way to learn. It’s free and offers no certificates. It works with public libraries to create study groups and learning circles.

European Multiple MOOC Aggregator (EMMA)

The 140-credit General Education degree from the University of Phoenix is free and provides you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in any field. You can also receive certification in a variety of fields, including business, health care, and more.

The EMMA is a platform that aggregates free and open courses from European universities. It is supported by the European Union, and offers courses in different European languages. The EMMA aims to provide a resource for students, educators, and professionals interested in learning more about Europe. ..

Some courses are self-paced while others have deadlines for completion. EMMA does not directly give a certificate of completion, but individual course providers might. ..

More International Courses And MOOC Providers To Look At

Lifelong Learning Has No Barriers

There are many online course providers and getting your college education remotely is no longer an exception. You can take a semester level course or master smaller modules to gauge your interest in a subject.

What matters most is that you stick with the right provider and follow through with discipline.

Computer users don’t have to be as complicated as they seem and you can get started with any online course to see how easy it is.