The risks associated with using digital devices for extended periods of time are real and growing. If you’re not comfortable with the idea of losing your eyesight, it might be best to stick to traditional methods like reading books or watching TV. But if you’re willing to give up some convenience, this lifestyle may be worth it.

  1. Get a good night’s sleep: Make sure you get enough sleep to avoid digital eye strain and improve your sleep quality. Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
  2. Use a screen saver: Keep your screen off during the day so you can relax and get a good night’s sleep.
  3. Use an app to help you focus: Some apps, like the OneNote app, can help you focus better by providing tips and reminders on how to stay on task.


To reduce eye strain, you can eliminate blue light from your digital screen with an app like f.lux. Unless you purchase a physical screen or glasses, you’ll need to use an app to tint your screen for you. ..

F.lux is a great way to adjust your screen brightness without having to do anything. Just set it to Recommended Colors and it’ll take care of the rest. It uses your location to determine the time of day and brightness, so you can customize it for yourself.

The app will gradually darken your screen as the sun sets, in order to help you get a good night’s sleep. However, you can still see clearly - the tint is a light orange. You can also choose when you want the app to turn off, so that it doesn’t affect your cognitive function in the morning. ..

When you use digital devices before bed, you’re interrupting your circadian rhythm and preventing yourself from getting a good night’s sleep.

F.lux is a software that allows users to customize their screen’s color temperature. There are also preset options for different purposes, such as reducing eye strain in the morning or improving sleep quality at night. ..

  1. Use a light-colored contacts lens to reduce eye strain.
  2. Use asunglasses to reduce eye strain.
  3. Use a sunscreen to reduce eye strain.

Reduce eyestrain by using a f.lux lightstrip to view your work from different angles. Working late at night can also help reduce eyestrain because the light is evenly distributed throughout the room. If you’re painting in a cave, use colors that are close to the natural world, as they will be more accurate and less artificial.

There are many different ways to play around with the settings on your device to see what works best for you. You can try different brightness levels, contrast levels, and sound settings to find what works best for you.

The app is designed to reduce the amount of blue light exposure you receive, which can help to improve your sleep. ..

The app is available for download on the following platforms: PC, Mac, Linux, and iPhone. There is a preview/root-only version for Android which has been getting a lot of criticism. Plus, it hasn’t been updated in over two years so we wouldn’t recommend downloading this version.


If you’re an Android user, you can download Twilight to your device. This app is getting impressive reviews and is similar to f.lux. Its design also helps keep your circadian cycle efficient and quality of sleep possible. ..

Screen tinting can be disabled when using certain apps, like Netflix and YouTube, that require good lighting. ..

The LG G5 has a variety of settings you can manipulate, such as color temperature, intensity, and screen dim. You can also decide when you want the filter to turn on – days, time, or custom options are available. Plus, you can create schedule profiles that automatically turn on at your specified time.

You can also pause or stop it. ..


If you’re looking to reduce your risk of developing eye strain, be aware of how much time you’re spending on your devices. Aware is an app that keeps track of how long you’ve been actively using your computer. ..

The app is simple and easy to use. It doesn’t require you to remember a time or limit, and it’s not intrusive. It also has a calming alarm that won’t disturb others.

The app keeps track of how much time you spend on your device, and warns you if you’re spending too much time on your device. It’s easy to use and sits quietly in the menu bar. ..

Downloading the “30 Minutes in the Real World” app may motivate you to spend more time in the real world. ..

Time Out

Time Out is an app for Mac users that helps you break up your digital sessions. It does an excellent job of disrupting your online work and can be a great way to take a break.

Some people may not like this, so be sure to turn it off when you know you need hours of focus in one block. ..

When you activate the timer, it will allow you to work for 50 minutes. After that, your screen will be blocked for 10 minutes. This mini break can help ensure your eyes get proper rest.

There are two ways to use the phone: one is to use it as a normal phone, and the other is to use micro-breaks. But some people may find it too much.

The exercise provides you with reminders to correct your posture and relax your muscles.

If you want to disable the app temporarily, you can do so by pressing and holding on the app until it turns off. You can also customize which apps disable Time Out so you can view them without interruption. ..


ProtectYourVision is an effective way to take regular time outs on a Windows computer. However, it’s not tied to your PC and can be used in your internet browser.

The device comes with a default 20-20-20 plan, which you can customize to your liking. When it’s time for you to take a break, the device beeps and then it blacks out your screen temporarily. ..

The disruption can be useful, but it can be irritating at times. So you can choose to opt-out of the break at any time. This way, you can decide when the screen blacks out.

Google’s new app, “G Suite”, includes a feature that allows users to take breaks while using other Google apps. The app also provides eye exercises that can be done while on your break. If you use a lot of Google apps, then you can learn how to enable dark mode. ..

Protect Your Eyes While You Work, Watch, & Play!

People are trying to find ways to reduce eye strain by using digital devices. The next best thing is to find ways to reduce the amount of eye strain.

With these apps, you can ensure that your eyes are getting a break while you work, watch videos, and play games.