In June of 2015, Microsoft acquired Wunderlist, a direct competitor of Microsoft’s own to-do app known simply as Microsoft To Do. Wunderlist is a popular to-do list app that has been around for years and is well known among professionals and consumers alike. The acquisition will give Microsoft a strong foothold in the to-do app market and help it compete with its own rival, Wunderlist.

At the time, Wunderlist had an impressive user base of 13 million users. This author was one of them.

The Old Microsoft To Do

Microsoft’s acquisition of Wunderlist was met with mixed reactions. Many users were disappointed that Microsoft To Do didn’t include many of the features found in Wunderlist Pro. ..

Since then, Microsoft has worked slowly and gradually to integrate advanced features of Wunderlist into Microsoft To Do, in the hope that by the time they shut down Wunderlist, all its users would have voluntarily migrated over.

Microsoft To Do is a great app for managing your to-do list. It has all the features of Wunderlist, and more. You can create lists of tasks, and then add them to your Microsoft To Do app. You can also share tasks with others, and see how they are doing.

A Microsoft To Do Review

The Microsoft To Do app is a great way to keep track of your tasks and goals. But there are some hidden features that you may not know about.

The left navigation pane is a section of the web browser that lets you access different parts of the website. This pane includes a variety of tools, including a search bar, a home page, and a menu. You can use this pane to find information about the website you’re on, or to navigate between pages on the site.

Today, I assigned the most important tasks from my to-do list. The tasks were sorted in order by date due, and all of them were flagged as important. I also planned all of my tasks, and assigned them to me using the Microsoft Tasks app. The tasks list was on the bottom of the left navigation panel, and it included all of the tasks I had added using that app.

The left side of the main navigation pane contains a list of all the views in the left navigation pane. The right side may also contain some items, such as Today at the upper right.

The Planned Section

When you select Planned in the left navigation pane, you’ll see all tasks due today, as well as upcoming tasks. This is where you’ll likely spend most of your time in Microsoft To Do, so it’s worth exploring first.

Organizing tasks into individual lists will help you keep track of when they are due and remind you when they need to be completed. Anything with a due date or reminder of today, will show up under the Today section here. ..

Microsoft’s new To Do app, To Do, follows a “now, next, later” model. This approach helps you get things done in an organized way. ..

The goal of this system is to help you get through your workday by breaking it down into manageable chunks. Today, you’ll focus on tasks in the Today section. Tomorrow, you can move on to tasks in the Tomorrow section, or choose from any of the later tasks in the other two sections. ..

The My Day Section

However, this isn’t always the best way to go about things. There are a few occasions when you might want to use the Unplanned section instead. ..

In the real world, this doesn’t work. Especially if you have tasks due a month from now that you have to work on a little bit over time. These are the kind of tasks you might have marked as Important by selecting the star at the right side of the task.

The My Day section of your schedule is a place where you list all the tasks that need to be done that day, and then you add those tasks to the My Day section of your calendar.

You right-click the task and select Add to My Day.

When you’re ready to start working, just select My Day and start working through your list.

You’re on track to achieve your goals, and you can relax knowing that you’re doing the most important work.

Creating New Lists and Tasks

ToDo is a software application that lets you add tasks to your lists. ToDo lets you group tasks by project, company, theme, or whatever else you want.

To create a new list, just scroll down to the bottom of the left navigation panel and select the + New list field. Type the name of the list, and press Enter. ..

The left navigation panel will display a list of lists, each with a blue list icon to the left of it. For example, there are three lists displayed below for Health, Family, and Home. ..

To create a new task inside a list, just select the + Add a task link and start typing. Press Enter when you’re done.

To edit task details, just select the task and a new panel will open on the right.

-A due date and time -A list of tasks to be completed -A priority level You can add all of the following details to any task in Microsoft To Do. -A due date and time -A list of tasks to be completed -A priority level ..

Add individual sub-tasks (steps) involved in completing the task. Add the task to the My Day section. Create a reminder for the task. Set a due date. Put the task on a recurring schedule. Apply a category to the task. Attach a file.

If you have made it due or set reminders, Microsoft To Do will automatically assign the task into one of the appropriate scheduling folders at the top of the navigation pane.

Creating Task Groups

Microsoft To Do has a great feature that other to-do apps should include: a folder or group for task lists. This way, you can organize your tasks in one place and easily see what needs to be done. ..

Your business would need a list of tasks for each purchase, renovation, and other activity.

  1. Get organized
  2. Create a plan
  3. Take action

To create a new group, click the small icon with a box and a + to the right of the New list field. ..

The name of the group is “Task List Group.” To create a task list group, type the name in the text field and press Enter. Then, drag two task lists into the task list group. You’ll know you’ve dragged it far enough when you see a blue dotted box appear inside the group.

The group you created has both task lists included. You can collapse or open this group any time you like by selecting the arrow to the right of the group name.

Now, whenever you add a new task to your task list, just drag it into any of your existing groups.

If you have a lot of task lists, groups them into manageable piles so your left navigation pane doesn’t get out of control.

Should You Use Microsoft To Do?

There are a lot of different ways to manage your time online today. Some people prefer to use popular to-do list apps like Trello or Evernote, while others may take a more unconventional approach by using something like Trello or Evernote to manage their time.

In all honesty, it can take years to try several systems before you find the one that’s a perfect match for you.

Microsoft To Do is the best to-do app available. It has all the features you need to manage your time productively and efficiently. ..