Well, WhatsApp has been in trouble recently as we found out a major error in the IM’s verification method. By which any third person can deactivate someone’s account permanently and that too with just the user’s number. However, the new WhatsApp Pink is a serious threat on its own. 

All You Need to Know About WhatsApp Pink 

WhatsApp Pink is a virus that is circulating around WhatsApp groups with APK link. The reason why it is dangerous is that the virus gives complete access to your device to hackers.  To persuade users, it comes with the name WhatsApp Pink, and the virus link claims that it is the official “new look” for WhatsApp. It looks exciting as it claims to turn the old green interface of WhatsApp into pink color. However, that is not true, all it does is sneak into your device and give access to your device to hackers.  The malicious virus was first spotted by security researcher Rajshekhar Rajaharia. He took his Twitter to inform everyone about the virus and he also shared that the virus comes with images that show the new pink theme for WhatsApp.  Now for anyone who is even a tad bit active in terms of tech would never fall for such a trap but your parents who might not be so well aware of such things might fall for it. And even your friends who do not know much about tech can also possibly fall for this.  So as a member of the tech community, it is your responsibility to share this news and if you get such a link on any WhatsApp group or from your friend, it is your responsibility to warn everyone to not download the link. 

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