In August of last year, Fortinet researchers noticed that they were able to brute force their way into Linux servers by using the SSH protocol. ..

Researchers have found that the RapperBotnet has been active since May 2021 though its aim is still unknown. ..

A new variant of malware has been discovered that uses a self-propagation system similar to that used by the original malware. The reason behind this campaign is now clear as the DDoS commands in the new variant are customized for the attacks on the servers which host online games. ..

The researchers at Fortinet were able to sample the new variant through the C2 Commands relics obtained from the previous campaign. This suggests that the characteristics of the botnet functioning have not changed.

Russian hackers have launched a new ransomware attack against Ukrainian organizations, using the Somnia malware. The attack has so far affected at least five organizations, with the hackers demanding a ransom in Bitcoin to release the data of their victims. ..

The analyst of the security firm observed a new variant of the Android mobile phone that had support for Tel brute forcing through these commands.

The client should register with the server to keep it alive. If the client is being attacked, then do nothing. If the client is not being attacked, then stop all DoS attacks and terminate the client. Then perform a DoS attack. Finally, stop all DoS attacks and restart Telnet brute forcing. ..

The Malware has been trying to brute force the credentials from a hardcoded list, whereas earlier it was fetched from the C2.

Fortinet said that to optimize the brute forcing effect, the Rapperbot compares the server prompt connection to a hardcoded list of strings to identify the possible device and then only tries the known credentials for the device.

This malware is different in that it avoids testing a list of full credentials and instead tries to find and install the latest version of the main payload binary for the identified device architecture. This allows it to avoid testing a list of full credentials, which could lead to its being blocked by security software or other protection measures.

The supported architecture is ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, SH4, and SPARC.

RapperBot, an AI-powered rap lyrics recognition software, has been updated with new DoS attack commands that make it easier for attackers to gain initial access to the software. ..

A UDP flood is a type of network attack in which a large number of packets are sent to a target over a short period of time. A TCP flood is a type of network attack in which a large number of packets are sent to a target over a long period of time. A TCP ACK flood is a type of network attack in which an attacker sends many TCP acknowledgments to the target in order to slow down or stop the victim’s traffic. A TCP STOMP flood is a type of network attack in which an attacker sends many TCP segments with the SYN flag set to trigger an automatic response from the target. A UDP SA:MP flood targeting game servers running GTA San Andreas: Multi Player (SA:MP) uses GRE Ethernet flooding as its attacking mechanism. ..

Based on the recent HTTP Dos attacks, it seems that the malware is specifically designed to attack game servers. ..

This attack affects the GRE protocol and UDP protocol used by the GTA San Andreas Multi Player (SA: MP) mod, Fortinet said.

The security firm believes that the same operator operates all discovered Raporbot attacks as the new variant suggests access to the malware source code and the C2 communication protocols are the same, and the lists of brute force are the same as well since August 2021.

Google Chrome users are being warned of a malicious extension that could allow hackers to take control of their computers remotely. The extension, called “Remote Assistance,” was added to the Chrome Web Store in late March and has since been downloaded more than 100,000 times. Once installed, the extension allows users to access their computer from anywhere in the world. Google has removed the extension from the store, but warns that it may still be available on third-party websites. ..