In 2010, the Chrome Web Store had already surpassed 10,000 extensions. The total number of extensions available today isn’t shown publicly anymore, but it’s assumed to be well into the hundreds of thousands.

Chrome’s library of extensions is growing, and with that comes the risk of installing and enabling extensions that may cause problems. Although the Chrome Web Store has policies in place to help keep malicious extensions out, some do slip through. ..

Chrome extensions can add new features and privacy risks to users’ browsing experience. However, some extensions can be managed to protect users’ privacy. By understanding how Chrome extension permissions work, users can make better choices about which extensions to install and how much access they want to give out.

Chrome extensions can be a nuisance, but they can also be a powerful tool. If you know how to use them properly, they can help you save time and get the most out of your online experience. But sometimes, Chrome extensions can be too powerful and difficult to uninstall. In this article, we’ll show you how to uninstall Chrome extensions using the standard methods – without having to resort to third-party tools or rooting your device.

How to Change the Permissions of

Chrome Extensions

The first way is called “administrative access,” and it’s the way you typically use Chrome to change the permissions of extensions. To use this method, you need to open Chrome and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the window that look like this: chrome://extensions/administrative-access/ This will open a new window with a list of all your extensions. On the right side of this window, you’ll see a list of extension names. Click on one of these extension names to see its permissions under “administrative access.” In most cases, these permissions will be set to “no access.” If they’re not, you can change them by clicking on one of the checkboxes next to “administrative access” in the right column and then clicking on OK. The second way is called “permissions management,” and it’s how you typically use Chrome to manage extension permissions. To use this method, you need to open Chrome and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the window that look like this: chrome://extensions/permissions/ This will open a new window with a list of all your extensions. On the right side of this window, you’ll see a list of extension names. Click on one of these extension names to see its permissions under “permissions management.” In most cases, these permissions will be set to “no access.” If they’re not, you can change them by clicking on one of the checkboxes next to “permissions management” in the right column and then clicking on OK.

The first way is by interacting with the extension’s icon in the extensions bar, and the second is by directly changing the list of site domains in the extension’s settings. Let’s go over each.

Change the Permissions of Chrome

Extensions by Extension Icons

Chrome extensions are small programs that you can add to Chrome to make your browsing experience better. You can find the extensions bar by clicking on the three lines in the top right corner of the browser window, or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+E (Windows) or Cmd+Shift+E (Mac). ..

  1. Change the extension’s permissions to read and change site data.
  2. Change the extension’s permissions to write only.
  3. Change the extension’s permissions to both read and write.

When you click the extension on the site you’re currently on, it will open a new window that will include all of the sites that are associated with that site.

The first option effectively defaults the extension to not having read and change access until you click the icon. The other two are self-explanatory.

This is a guide on how to limit the volume of an extension through one of its options. By limiting the volume, you can get your extension under control without having to remove it completely.

Change the Permissions of Chrome

Extensions by Extension Settings

If you want to limit the sites an extension can access and change data, there are a few ways to do this. You can input the sites manually through the extension’s settings, or use a browser extension that does this for you. ..

In the “More tools” section of your extensions bar, you can find a variety of tools that help you manage your extensions and content. One of these tools is Extensions. This section provides a list of all the extensions that are installed on your computer, as well as the information about each one.

This will bring up a full page of all of the extensions you’ve installed. For the extension which you want to change the permissions of, click on the Details button beneath it.

If you select “On specific sites”, you’ll be able to add websites by individual URLs.

If you have already added at least one site, you will see a list of the permitted sites. From there, you can add or remove more of them. ..

  1. Open a new window and type chrome://extensions in the address bar.
  2. On the left, you’ll see a list of all your extensions, with a green checkmark next to the one you want to change permissions for.