To have a strong password, you need to use a mix of different words and characters. You can also use unique passwords for different websites and applications. And, of course, never share your password with anyone.

Until alternative methods of account security are adopted, following proper password etiquette can save you hours of frustration. In this article, we discuss three methods that can help you create strong passwords. ..

Using a Secure Password Generator

Many people believe that the best way to create a secure password is to not create one yourself at all. Instead, you can use a random password generator, such as or a tool like LastPass. This way, you’ll be able to create an unlimited number of secure passwords quickly and easily. ..

We suggest that you create a password that is at least 12 characters in length, using all of letters, numbers, and symbols. Some sites will limit your password length and restrict the use of symbols, but those can be handled as special cases when you arrive at them. Don’t limit your overall security just because of a few fringe outliers.

  1. Keep it secret
  2. Use a different password for every site Which option would you choose?

I keep my writing and passwords in a password manager such as LastPass.

Both password managers and paper wallets have their own potential drawbacks. The first is that they can be lost or hacked, which could leave your data vulnerable. The second is that passwords can be easily guessed by someone who knows your name and other personal information.

On the downside, some password managers offer only one form of authentication. For example, Google Authenticator requires you to input your Google account password.

Using Sentences Or Phrases

Some people have very photographic memories, while others will only remember something by repeating it over and over, hundreds of times. ..

There are a number of ways to remember passwords, but one of the most effective is to use sentences or phrases that you will never forget. By using these memorable words or phrases, you can create strong and secure passwords that you can use in the future.

I had a white Labrador Retriever named Albert. He was a great dog and I miss him dearly. ..

password: Mfd’nwA.HwawLR

This is a great way to keep your passwords safe, but if you want to use them on every website, it’s going to be difficult. However, you can try using a generator or password manager to make it easier.

Using a Base

This is a method that you can use to generate other secure passwords, which is one of the best and most versatile ways to both remember an infinite number of passwords and use a unique password for almost every website or app.


To remember your base password, you can create a custom base that is based off of our sentence method. Since the base password will never be a full password, you can even write it down somewhere while you’re in the process of memorizing it.

For example, if you use Google Chrome, you could create a string like “chrome://” or “chrome://” If you use Firefox, you could create a string like “firefox://” or “firefox://”

Online Tech Tips would be With the first two letters as a prefix and the last two letters as a suffix, Online Tech Tips would become

Our password is now “onat@qV$tk8kQps.”

Since every website has a domain name, this is a really solid method. However, you may want to modify this in the case of using mobile apps. For these, you can simply use the same trick while considering the app’s name. Like this, the password for your Discord app would be as follows: DiaNT@qV$tk8kQrd

The downside to this method is that if several of your passwords are leaked to the same person, they may be able to figure out how you’re generating each password. In that case, they’ve effectively stolen them all.

Creating strong passwords is important, but using a password manager is the best way to make sure your passwords are secure. Regardless of your approach, sticking with a password manager is important. ..

If you don’t take the time to create strong passwords and use complex ones that are unique to each individual, your security is at risk.