A screenshot can only capture what is on the active screen. If you want to capture a conversation, webpage, or multiple posts in your social media feed, you may have to repeat the process several times over, which is a tedious process. ..

If you’re having trouble capturing a screenshot on your Android device, there’s an easy workaround: you can save the screenshot as a scrolling image. ..

Scroll Capture is a built-in feature on most top-of-the-range Android devices. If you don’t have it, you can use a third-party app to do the job just fine. We’re going to show you how to use both options so that you can achieve the desired result.

How To Capture a Scrolling Screenshot On Android

Using The Native Screen Capture Feature

Google implemented a scrolling screenshot feature on Android devices in early 2013. Initially, Google said the feature was infeasible but later confirmed that it was, in fact, possible to implement it.

Some Android devices like Samsung, OnePlus, LG and Huawei offer the scrolling screenshots feature under different names.

The Scroll Capture feature on the Galaxy Note 5 was first introduced through the nifty Capture more tool on the handset. On other devices like Huawei, it’s known as Scrollshot, LG has the ‘Extended’ option, MIUI has the Scroll option, and OnePlus calls it ‘Scrolling’ or Expanded screenshot’.

How to take long screenshots on a Samsung and Huawei device ..

Capture Scrolling screenshots On a Samsung

  1. Select the Smart Capture tab and enable it.

  2. Now you can take photos and videos with your device without having to remember to press the shutter button!

  3. Enable Smart Capture on your device to take advantage of its features.

To take a screenshot of the screen, tap the Scroll Capture icon and scroll to where you’d like it to end.

If you want to make a screenshot of your own, you can open it from the Gallery under the Screenshots folder. You can make changes to it and save it for later.

Capture Scrolling Screenshots On a Huawei

  1. To save the screenshot, tap the Save option at the bottom of the screen. The screenshot will be saved to your device’s Pictures library. ..

Your phone will start scrolling down, but you can tap the screen to stop at the point where you’d like the screenshot to end. The image result will appear on your display after which you can edit, share or delete the screenshot.

Using a Third-Party App

If you don’t have the native Scrollshot or scroll capture tool on your Android device, there are third-party apps that can help you take scrolling screenshots. ..

There are several apps in the Google Play Store that can help you capture long screenshots. But in this guide, we’ll be using the LongShot app. If you want to take a screenshot that’s longer than the default limit of 5 seconds, you can use the LongShot app. This app lets you take screenshots that are up to 10 seconds long, and it also has a few other features that make it a good choice for capturing long screenshots. ..

How To Use The LongShot App To Capture Scrolling Screenshots

This free app allows you to take screenshots of webpages, conversations, threads and more, in a shot. It’s easy to use and has various options for capturing entire pages. For example, if you want to capture a webpage, just enter the URL in the app, and select a start and end point.

With LongShot, you can capture screenshots of long articles or news feeds in a snap. The results are flawless, and the screenshot delivery is perfect.

Unlike other apps, LongShot doesn’t add annoying watermarks on your screenshots. The free app is ad-supported, though they’re non-intrusive and you can close them any time you want. But for a small fee (about $2), you can have them removed and enjoy an ad-free experience. ..

  1. Take a screenshot of something you want to remember.
  2. Save the screenshot to your phone or computer.
  3. Share the screenshot with your friends and family.

If you want the app to automatically capture the scrolling shot, check the box next to Auto-scroll. ..

  1. Go to your device Settings>Accessibility>Installed Services>LongShot and toggle the switch on to enable auto-scroll. Grant the required permissions by tapping OK.

To take a screenshot, first open the app you want to capture the screen of and then tap the blue button to the right of the Capture Screenshot button. If you allow the app to access your other apps, it will be able to show things on top of them. You can toggle this permission on or off in the app’s settings. ..

If you want to continue screen capturing, a popup will appear notifying you that LongShot will start capturing everything displayed on your screen. Tap Start now to continue. ..

When you open the app and click the green Start button, the app will start taking screenshots.

The red line will appear on the screen to help you pick an end point as you scroll. Tap the floating Done (red) button to stop the scrolling shot capture.

In the new screen, you can edit or adjust the captured screenshot. If you want, you can keep the original screen capture by selecting the Also keep original screenshots when saving checkbox at the top.

Save your changes when you’re done.

When you take a screenshot, the resulting image will be displayed on your screen with three options below it: Browse (to open the location of the image in the LongShot folder), Rate (to rate the app), and New (to take a new scrolling screenshot). ..

The LongShot app has a few other useful tools like the stitching tool that lets you connect multiple screenshots.


If you want to save a screenshot of a conversation, thread, long article, or news feed for later use, there are several options available to you. You can use the Scrollshot or Scroll Capture on your device, or install the LongShot app and save yourself the time and effort. ..