The engineers have likewise affirmed that they’re at present chipping away at some exceptionally mentioned features like secure group video calls, which will be released soon. Telegram has grown consistently in the recent few years and it as of late arrived at the 400 million months to month dynamic users’ achievement. Today, Telegram is turning out one more significant update that carries another video editor to the application, in addition to other things. With its most recent update, Telegram is enabling clients to alter recordings inside the delegate. The media editorial manager incorporates video quality enhancement tool, which improves video quality with only two taps. The animated stickers can likewise be utilized while editing images, so you would now be able to change over your images into a GIF by basically adding an animated sticker to it. Talking about GIFs, the GIF board on the application has likewise gotten a minor update with another Trending area and emoticon-based tabs that spread the most mainstream emotions. This change is required to make GIF search much simpler on the messenger. Furthermore, GIF loading times have been improved in the GIF board to additionally improve client experience. Chat folder feature was released on Telegram 6.0, Telegram will currently likewise let you move chats to some random folder essentially by tapping and holding on a chat and afterwards choosing an envelope from the pop-up menu. Alongside the previously mentioned highlights, the most recent update additionally incorporates some specific features for Android users. These incorporate smoother activities, upgrades to the video player, support for automatic looping on videos that are less than 30 seconds long, and better animations for voice messages.

Complete Changelog of Features for Android Users by Telegram

Media EditorTap the brush icon when sending a photo or video to access the media editor.Enhance media quality, tweak parameters like brightness, saturation, etc.Add drawings, text, or stickers to media.Put animated stickers on photos or videos. Photos with animated stickers automatically turn into GIFs.Zoom in on photos or videos for high-precision drawing.New GIF panelEnjoy greatly enhanced loading times for GIFs in the panel.Quickly find GIFs in emoji-based sections covering the most popular emotions.Check the Trending Tab for the top reactions of the day.Press and hold on any GIF in search results to save it to your collection.Sleeker InterfacesSend, edit, and delete messages with new smooth animations.Watch videos from an improved player: controls disappear after 3 seconds, long cations get out of your way quickly, videos shorter than 30 seconds are looped.Manage Telegram cache settings in style.Watch out for the nosey monkey when you set a Two-Step Verification password.Flexible FoldersHold on a chat in your chat list to add it to a folder.

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Telegram s New Feature Lets You edit Videos  Create Stickers  Show trending GIFs  and More - 79Telegram s New Feature Lets You edit Videos  Create Stickers  Show trending GIFs  and More - 66