Why using WordPress? Because WordPress offers a ton of features and benefits for its users. And coupled with a software development services team, you can take them to a whole new level and develop a fully-fledged and highly sophisticated website. Let’s take a look at the full advantages of WordPress CMS.

Benefits and Advantages of WordPress

1. WordPress is Customizable

WordPress is a free platform that you can download, install, use, and modify according to your needs. There are no limitations as to what you can do with it. You can develop a website from scratch, use a template (more on that later) or reuse your website to adapt it to the CMS. It can significantly help you reduce the costs of managing your website without having to resign to functionality or ease of use. It is why do people use WordPress. You should know which is better, Blogger or WordPress, to avoid web design mistakes. It’s worth pointing out, though, that you’ll need to pay for a couple of things to get a professional website with WordPress: a domain name and web hosting. The domain name is your website’s address, the name that appears on the URL bar on the browser (i.e., techprevue.com). Web hosting is the virtual storage space where all the elements of your website will be stored. While you can use the free WordPress offering for both of them, you’ll run across a lot of limitations. Paying for both is almost a must if you want a professional website. Don’t worry, neither of those things is costly, and you can get both of them in no time.

2. Millions of WordPress Themes and Plugins Are Available

One of the biggest reasons why do people use WordPress is that you don’t need that much tech-savviness to get your website going. In other words, you don’t need to be a web designer, a programmer, or a software development company to get your website live. How can that be? Because WordPress offers a myriad of themes and plugins to customize websites and extend their functionality. In a certain sense, they are like skeletons that you can flesh out and dress to get your final website going. Themes cover the website’s layout and basic functionality. You’ll only need to replace texts, images, and links to get a functional website in no time – and without having to code. There are thousands of themes (both free and paid) covering all kinds of websites, from blogs and news portals to professional portfolios, dropshipping stores, e-commerce stores, and business sites. If you feel like the theme’s basic functionality isn’t enough for your website, you can always expand it through WordPress plugins. These are additional tools you can integrate into your website. These plugins help to get new features like contact forms, sliders, SEO assistants, social media widgets, and many more. There are thousands of free and paid plugins ranging from simple ones to complex options that can radically change your website. You can download, install and activate WordPress plugins with a few clicks. Of course, both of these options are great for beginners or people looking to develop simple websites. If you want to take full advantage of WordPress’s potential, you should get in touch with software development providers. They will help you filter out all the hassle and see how to integrate best the functionality you’re looking for without affecting your website’s performance. That’s precisely what companies like Sony and The New Yorker do when tweaking their own WordPress-based websites.

3. WordPress is SEO-friendly

As we are discussing the benefits of WordPress. You may be keenly interested in knowing that whether WordPress is SEO-ready or not. SEO may be the main reason why we choose WordPress for our websites. WordPress also makes it easy for anyone to dive into the SEO world by integrating several SEO tools and options right out of the box. That means that you’ll be able to adjust the most important SEO parameters without having to install anything extra. In turn, this will help your website to rank better on search engines, which will make it easier for your target audience to find you. Since the SEO aspect of a website can be a little bit confusing for most people who don’t understand anything about SEO. WordPress has made it quite simple to comprehend its options. It did so by including basic SEO options that aim to optimize URLs, titles, meta titles, meta descriptions, meta tags, image attributes, and more. Additionally, there are many tutorials online that can teach you how to use all of them. Want a more advanced SEO approach than what WordPress is offering you? Then you can always head to the plugin database to find one of the many SEO plugins that can extend this functionality and tweak more in-depth parameters. You can execute an SEO audit on your WordPress website.

4. WordPress is Secure

The benefits of using WordPress will not here end. In and by itself, WordPress is a fairly safe and secure platform that can keep your website protected against many threats. It doesn’t mean, however, that WordPress alone can do a perfect job. If you want your website to be as protected as possible, you need to make sure you use all of what WordPress puts at your disposal. This includes: WordPress Updates An outdated code is a major entry door for attacks. That’s why keeping the platform updated is a must. WordPress installs minor updates automatically, but you’ll have to install major updates manually. Additionally, you have to make sure that all of the plugins you use are updated at all times to decrease the likelihood of an attack. User Passwords and Permissions One of the great things about WordPress is that you can create multiple author accounts. Each of them can publish and manage their articles. However, you have to keep an eye on their security. It means that you need to create strong passwords for each of them and give only the necessary permissions for each role. A member of the software development services team might need access to all the websites, while the blogger will only need permission to post and edit articles. Backup Solutions You can take back up a WordPress website in a few minutes. Security Plugins As we said above, WordPress’s basic functionality can be taken to a whole new level with plugins – and that’s the case with security as well. Several security plugins will let you easily control some advanced security options to provide more robust protection to your website. You can do it without having to be an advanced programmer. Just be sure to know how to implement and use them before doing so. There are many other things in WordPress you can do to get your website more protected. However, many of them are advanced measures that will need the aid of an expert. Ideally, you’ll be assisted by a QA pro or be helped by a software development outsourcing team that will fill in the gaps and look for potential vulnerabilities.

5. Frequent Security Updates and Bug Fixes

For quite some time now, we live in an era where fresh content is a deciding ranking factor for SERP rankings. So, websites adding fresh content and adapting their existing material to new trends and new SEO practices have advantages. Fortunately, WordPress makes the content update so easy that you can take full advantage of this to stay ahead. It only takes a minute to change headlines, titles, images, videos, colors, logos, and mostly anything that’s shown on screen. The best part is that anyone with minimal web knowledge can apply those changes without much trouble. It makes WordPress a great ally in the content marketing era, where being aggressive can pay off big dividends. A few CMS offers the same benefits as WordPress, but none of them is that much perfect.

Final Words

Now, you know the advantages of using WordPress. WordPress has become the de-facto CMS for building websites of all kinds and hasn’t moved an inch from that position. That’s because it is a very well-developed platform that offers many potent options right out of the box. It is also giving you the possibility to expand it all through easily integrable plugins. The easy route to get your website is to consider outsourcing software development companies. They will work on individual custom-made solutions that can be integrated later on with your WordPress website. Its ease of use, the countless online resources to help you, its dynamic nature, and its vast possibilities are what make WordPress so popular.

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