GOG is the leading advocate of DRM-free games on the internet. In other words, if you buy and download a game from GOG, it’s yours to own forever. You can burn it to a disc and keep it for posterity. Both platforms are worth having, but each one excels in different areas.

The gaming industry is growing rapidly, and there are plenty of opportunities for PC gamers to make a name for themselves. Whether you’re a new player or an experienced vet, it’s a great time to be a PC gamer.

GOG Vs. Steam: Game Library and Ownership

Steam is the platform of choice for gamers of all levels of interest and expertise. With a library of over 10,000 games, it’s the perfect place to find every type of game you could want. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer looking for new titles to add to your collection or a first-time player just starting out, Steam has something for you.

Steam games are DRM-free, while GOG games are not. If you purchase a game on GOG, it’s yours to own — period. Steam games perform a check to ensure you’re connected to Steam. In theory, it’s possible to lose your Steam library if Steam ever vanishes. While that isn’t likely to happen, it’s something to keep in mind.

GOG is a digital download service that offers a wide variety of games, including older classics and new releases. However, GOG does not always focus on new releases, so it’s important to check their website for updates on what’s available.

GOG doesn’t have the same indie presence as Steam, however. Steam has many anime and eastern-developed games, while GOG focuses primarily on western games, ARPGs, and more.

GOG Vs Steam: Userbase

According to Steam’s latest report, the platform has around 120 million active users in 2020. This number constitutes the majority of the entire PC gamer base. GOG doesn’t share this sort of data as openly as Steam does, so it’s difficult to pinpoint how many users the platform currently has.

According to GOG, its platform saw a 208% growth over 2020, with a 392% growth in new user registrations. The platform is growing, even if it has a long way to go to compete with Steam. ..

GOG Vs Steam: Crossplay and Multiplayer

One of the most important considerations for a PC gamer is whether they want a DRM-free game. If all their friends purchase the game on Steam, it will be crossplay.

Many GOG titles are not crossplay games. Instead, they connect to the GOG Galaxy servers rather than the Steam servers. However, some games can connect through direct IP connections.

If you’re looking to play games with your friends, it’s important to choose the platform they’re on. GOG Galaxy allows you to connect your Steam account, but most titles are not crossplay. If you’re interested in single-player games, it doesn’t matter - but if you’re more interested in multiplayer games, purchase the games on the same platform. ..

Steam has better social services than GOG, but there is still a lot of room for improvement.

GOG Vs Steam: Pricing

Both Steam and GOG routinely offer steep discounts on multiple titles. Between Steam’s summer and winter sales, as well as a host of other holiday sales, you can find games for as low as a dollar. This makes it an ideal platform for finding new and exciting games to play.

GOG.com often offers themed sales, such as discounts for RPG or RTS collections. GOG provides discounts on collections of games, especially if you already own titles in the franchise. It’s a great way to invest in the entire series. ..

Steam and GOG both have different refund policies. Steam allows you to ask for a refund within two weeks, as long as you have less than two hours total of playtime. GOG has no playtime limits and allows users to request a refund within 30 days of purchase.

GOG Vs. Steam: Platform and UI

Since its launch in 2013, Steam has been a popular platform for gamers. The interface and features have remained largely unchanged since then, with the only notable change being the addition of graphical improvements to the overlay. This has not led to increased popularity on other platforms, as Steam does not connect to many other platforms. Some select games will support cross-saves between Nintendo Switch and Steam, but streaming games from your PC to your TV is also possible through the Steam Link peripheral. ..

GOG Galaxy is a new platform that allows users to connect their Steam, Epic Games, Xbox, PlayStation Network, and more. Any games compatible with GOG will appear on that list, allowing users to download and play them for a limited time on their PC. This is a great way to group all your titles in one place for easier searches. ..

Which Is Better for You?

Both Steam and GOG have their strengths and weaknesses, but neither is remarkably better than the other. If you want classic games with actual ownership, GOG is the best bet — but if you’re looking for an easy platform for online multiplayer with your friends, Steam should be your go-to platform.